Tuesday 19 May 2015

Optifast Day 2

Yesterday was Day 1 of Optifast, and lemme just say its a mixed bag. One sip will be ok, not too bad.... The next sip tastes like a rusted metal bar in your mouth, melting on your tongue. So to combat the filthy flavours, I took to adding some decaf coffee (which also tastes like rusty metal bars)... It improved the flavour (a bit), but leaves this horrible metal flavour in your mouth.

They say if you have the gross flavour on your tongue, brush your teeth and tongue, BUT IT DOESN'T HELP!!!!! So, this is now Day 2 of 14 (yeah 14 days of nothing but this stuff).... and I'm not sure how I'll handle the metal tongue, but we shall see!!!

13 Days til surgery.

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